1. https://www.shopdisney.com/rapunzel-pin-tangled-limited-edition-1481821 for 32 dollars this pin is a steal, and not just because it's limited edition. this pin showcases Rapunzel holding a lantern, with a purple pascal at the bottom left. although this is limited edition AND out of stock, I'd give an arm and a leg for it.
2. https://www.shopdisney.com/rapunzel-banner-pin-1434047 This Rapunzel banner pin is just adorable! And for only 9.47 at the shopdisney website it might just have the best bang for it's buck.
3. https://www.boxlunch.com/product/disney-tangled-pascal-rapunzel-enamel-pin-set---boxlunch-exclusive/11658555.html?mr:trackingCode=1B773096-EFF1-E811-8100-0050569428E8&mr:referralID=NA&mr:device=c&mr:adType=plaonline&mr:ad=327833298474&mr:keyword=&mr:match=&mr:tid=pla-520866049436&mr:ploc=9033505&mr:iloc=&mr:store=&mr:filter=520866049436&CM_MMC=CSE-_-GGL-_-PLA-_-4_9999W1_CSE_GGL_TANGLED_DESKTOP_11658555__iv_p_1_g_65431451963_c_327833298474_w_pla-520866049436_n_s_d_c_v__l__t__r_1o1_x_pla_y_107443451_f_online_o_11658555_z_US_i_en_j_520866049436_s__e__h_9033505_ii__vi__&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxNfcgo2j4AIVGNVkCh1lvgrGEAQYASABEgJfSvD_BwE just 14.90 for this amazing set of tangled pins! box lunch never disappoints.
Tell me in the comments if you've ever pin traded, and what your favorite pin is! Mine personally, is this unofficial box lunch pin that has mickey standing and the words " the original' I'll link it if anyone wants it. Also sorry for the extra long link, tell me if you wanna see any more of this content, and hat movie I Should do next.